Hi everyone! I have been terrible at keeping this thing updated but I've been pretty busy! I've been working full time, going to Grad school, and most exciting of all putting together my new blog!
I'm in the process of preparing to launch a new blog at www.womangladiator.com. On this I'm going to feature a lot of DIY projects that take away some of that cookie cutter effect (de-Ryanize). I'll also be featuring tips on a healthy life style (better outlook on things, women empowerment, clean eating, etc) while I take the journey to a healthier overall lifestyle myself!
If you are interested please click the link above and you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest OR sign up for my Newsletter (or you can do both!) so you can stay updated on everything!
Now, on to some projects I've completed.
So ever since we've moved in my boyfriend has discovered he has a green thumb. You know that neighbor who you see obsessing over his lawn, and you see him/her seeding, watering, pulling weeds constantly and you're like wow .. they must really care about their yard ... Well that's now my boyfriend. Since we are now the people obsessed with our yard we decided to spice up the garden a little and add some more curb appeal. It also makes our front yard look different than all the others in the neighborhood which is nice!
We were able to complete it in a few hours (sod is seriously heavy people!), so you could easily take a day and complete this project.
What you'll need:
Mark the area you want the garden to go. This acts as a great guideline and makes it easier to create the shape you want when you're digging.
Step 2:
Dig up and remove all grass/sod in that area (we dug a little deeper so we could put down more topsoil because the soil at our house is practically clay)
Step 3:
Dig holes for plants and put them in the holes (follow the guides that should come along with your plant that tell you how deep and wide the hole should be - we also threw some topsoil in the hole so our plants roots could grab onto good soil)
Step 4:
Throw down top soil and pack it around the plants. Use the top soil to make an even surface in your garden.
Step 5:
Throw some mulch down and you're done!
This is what it looked like before (Focus on the walkway area)
And this is after!
My next project which will hopefully get done tomorrow is this herb garden. I gto an old drawer for $10 at the Habitat for Humanity Restore. I got some pre-made legs at Lowes(about $7 each). This drawer will be turned into an awesome raised spice garden! Stay tuned for the update!
I'm in the process of preparing to launch a new blog at www.womangladiator.com. On this I'm going to feature a lot of DIY projects that take away some of that cookie cutter effect (de-Ryanize). I'll also be featuring tips on a healthy life style (better outlook on things, women empowerment, clean eating, etc) while I take the journey to a healthier overall lifestyle myself!
If you are interested please click the link above and you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest OR sign up for my Newsletter (or you can do both!) so you can stay updated on everything!
Now, on to some projects I've completed.
The Garden Update
So ever since we've moved in my boyfriend has discovered he has a green thumb. You know that neighbor who you see obsessing over his lawn, and you see him/her seeding, watering, pulling weeds constantly and you're like wow .. they must really care about their yard ... Well that's now my boyfriend. Since we are now the people obsessed with our yard we decided to spice up the garden a little and add some more curb appeal. It also makes our front yard look different than all the others in the neighborhood which is nice!
We were able to complete it in a few hours (sod is seriously heavy people!), so you could easily take a day and complete this project.
What you'll need:
- Spray Paint (optional)
- A shovel
- A wheelbarrel (or something else you can dump all the dirt you dig up in)
- Top Soil
- Plants
- Mulch
Mark the area you want the garden to go. This acts as a great guideline and makes it easier to create the shape you want when you're digging.
Step 2:
Dig up and remove all grass/sod in that area (we dug a little deeper so we could put down more topsoil because the soil at our house is practically clay)
Step 3:
Dig holes for plants and put them in the holes (follow the guides that should come along with your plant that tell you how deep and wide the hole should be - we also threw some topsoil in the hole so our plants roots could grab onto good soil)
Step 4:
Throw down top soil and pack it around the plants. Use the top soil to make an even surface in your garden.
Step 5:
Throw some mulch down and you're done!
This is what it looked like before (Focus on the walkway area)
And this is after!
If it were completely up to me I would have made it a little more dramatic by bringing it out farther but the boyfriend didn't share my vision. I still love it though! We also got some lights to put along the walkway which look beautiful at night! I'll post a picture of that once I'm home!
Old Drawer to Herb Garden

I hope everyone else is having an awesome time decorating and/or building their homes!